The University of Chicago
Vietnamese Student Association


Who We Are

The official community for UChicago-affiliated Vietnamese and Viet-Americans!

Established in 2021 by a group of Vietnamese undergrads at UChicago, VSA seeks to connect and provide platform for UChicago's prospective and current students, post-docs, faculty and alumni who are Vietnamese or interested in Vietnamese culture.

Our main visions are to raise cultural awareness and appreciation within the UChicago student body and beyond, as well as to develop a support network and conversational platform for UChicago-affiliated Viets and Viet-Americans.

Meet board members Check out past events
Follow our Instagram for event news and updates, or get in touch if you want to join us or collaborate! We welcome everyone, regardless of year, location, or nationality!

We now include 30+ members, and growing!

Our Board Members

Our undergraduate board plan events and foster collaboration, with mentorship from senior members of UChicago VSA!

Uyen Le


Duc Nguyen

Head of Human Resources

Mai Vu

Head of Public Relations

Huyen-Anh Giang

Head of Finance

Event Highlights

Join our community?

We are so glad you've found us. Please don't hesitate to reach out with collaboration opportunities, or if you simply want to connect with the UChicago Vietnamese community at large! Drop us a line.